Fall after school programs are now LIVE! Sign up today for enrichment, or CLICK HERE to see more information on program descriptions

Making Science Accessible, Understandable, and Cool for kids ages 4-10
Science Enrichment Classes
We do science, and we do it right. All our science classes are fully hands on, and whether you're at home, in school, or anywhere else, you can join us in the Lab with our classes.
We provide simple, real world explanations, by getting our hands messy… which translates to real learning. On top of all that, it’s fun. Ridiculously fun! We pride ourselves on taking a different approach. We think you'll like it.
parties and Events
It's tough to think of a reason NOT to do science, so when we have a reason to celebrate, there's one answer for what to do. Mix, pour, and have a blast with us as we handle it in style.
Professor Egghead provides Science Parties, Slime Parties, Special Event, Assemblies, Booths, and Workshops on over 100 science and engineering topics. You pick up the phone, and we do the rest.
A Word
From the Professor
" Thanks for joining me in the lab! I can't wait to experiment with all of you and see you all soon.
Remember, ANYWHERE can be your laboratory - your house, your school, the beach, your yard, or even your bedroom! Have fun, and mix up something cool!"
- Professor Egghead